Friday Round Up 21/1/17
Book Week 6th to 9th February
Earlier this week you would have received a letter outlining the events of Book Week. Just to reiterate what you can do to support the school for this event:
Make sure your child is reading every night especially during book week.
Donate a book, or books, to our new school library. The Barn will be open before and after school on Wednesday 1st February for donations.
Allow your child to dress up as a character from their Fab 50 list on Thursday 9th
. Many thanks for your help, as mentioned we will be opening our new library during this week which will be named in memory of our School Bursar, Gill Bromley, who passed away last year.
Crossing Patrol on Church Road
From Monday we will have a petition in the school office to support our request that this vacancy is filled as a matter of urgency. Please pop in to sign your name.
Term Dates
Please note the term dates for next academic year are now available on the website here. Please note you can add these dates to your Google and iPhone calendar automatically. Details are at the bottom of the page here.
Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers
This scheme is about to start once again and we are collecting the vouchers please. It is particularly useful for replacing consumable items such as balls, beanbags, hoops etc for both PE Lessons and the playground. Vouchers may be left in the post-box, just inside the front entrance. Many thanks for your support.
Sports Update
Congratulations to the Indoor Athletics Team who won the Epping Forest Sports Hall Competition last week and now go on to the Essex County Final. Today we have 30 Year 3 and 4 children attending another indoor athletics event, 5 children attending a Curling Competition and 4 children at a Badminton Match.
Parent Meetings
Growth Mindset for Parents- unfortunately we have had to postpone this, I will keep you updated
February 28th and March 2nd - Parent Teacher Meetings- forms will be sent out before half term
Friday 3rd March- Parent and Staff Coffee Morning, 9.00am in the staff room Congratulations to 2K on an excellent class assembly yesterday and we are looking forward to R1 assembly next Thursday.
Have a good weekend, Yours sincerely, P.J. Tidmarsh Headmaster