Year 4 Queen's Road Sale

Friday afternoon, Year 4 will be in Queen's Road selling hand made products they have made to raise money for St John's and a selected children's charity between 2pm - 3pm.


This project has only been possible by the dedicated work in the local community by Buckhurst Hill Residents Society, namely Margaret. She is such a glue our local community and works tirelessly to keep Buckhurst Hill a wonderful environment to live in. Here's what she had to say about the project:-


'Working together with St Johns on this project has been delightful and is exactly what BHRS is all about. Supporting the learning of the children about the wonderful place we all live in as well as with this fantastic market shows what kind of community in BH we have.

Let’s all go shopping tomorrow!'
So, Year 4 are very excited about the event and it would be wonderful to have the support of any parents or carers that can attend from St. John's.