School Clubs
Please find an overview of the current clubs on offer. Follow the links on the page to sign up for the after school, Multi-sports and football clubs and the French Club that runs during lunchtimes, please see the Lingotot links for further information and booking forms.
Multi-sports club- Bookings are open for Multisports.
Please find a link to the website below:
Football club Autumn 2024 - information and registration form
Dodgeball, Football Skills, Netball, Coach Victoria's Multisports Autumn 2024 - information and payment details
French Club - The Lunch Club is for year 1, 2, 3 & 4 pupils at St John's School. The sessions take place on Thursdays after the children have finished their lunches.
Join us for a fun term learning French through games, songs, stories and crafts.
Lingotot French Club for Years 1 & 2 -
Lingotot French Club for Years 3 & 4 -
Art Club is delivered by Mrs Jill Sherlock and takes place after school for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It starts after school at 3.30pm and finishes at 4.30pm. As this is a small club in order to facilitate the various art activities, please text Jill for details and a place on the waiting list 079 4670 2901.
Choir takes place during the school day and is run by Mr Peck and Ms Davy.
For more information on how your child can join one of these clubs please contact us.
Please see the printable PDF of all the clubs available.