Year 2 Homework


Reading: Everyday we expect your child to read from one of the colour book bands that they select from school or a book from the Fab 50 shelf.

SpellingsEvery Monday the children will receive spellings from the Year 2 spelling list. They should practise following the look, cover, write, check method as printed on the sheet.

Times Tables: Children have an online login for is TT Rockstars. This is a fantastic program that allows children to practise times tables and their related division facts.



MathleticsA series of activities will be allocated to your child. These will be covering areas and topics of learning that we are focussing on in class. Children should regularly be completing the activities, to enable them to access the game area afterwards. Please note – the log in details for each child will be in the back of their reading record.

Topic based: Every two weeks the children will be given homework that is topic based. There is always a variety of subjects and activities for the children to choose from. Some involve research which you as a parent may like to help with but some are completely independent and may involve drawing or writing poetry. This homework should be completed in the green homework books.